Sorry this post is a little late...but a couple weekends ago, we had a Girl's weekend in Lyon!

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it ws the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going the other way." |
I'm pretty sure I've never been as cold as I was this past weekend. It was beautiful and terrible all at once! But Lyon, the city of Bouchons and France's best food, was incredible!

We arrived late Friday night, starving, FREEZING, andddd a little lost! We soon navigated the 5 of us to our 4-person hotel, and practically ran inside to warm our frozen toes. We warmed up and then decided it was time to eat, however, we definitely weren't in the food district, so we ventured to a shady-looking restaurant which turned out to be the first of the AMAZING things that we experienced this weekend.
I ( of course) got the ALL you can eat hibachi Grill platter, which included unlimited trips to the hibachi grill with two meats and a million vegies, AND (this is the best part) a dessert bar where you pick fruit and they pour chocolate fondu all of it and heat it! YUM
It turned out that is was an exotic food restaurant that was half hibachi grill half pick the coolest food you've ever heard of and try it here!

Currently there are what's called the "Soldes" going on throughout all of France, which I would consider the equivalent of Black Friday for 3 weeks. Anyways, so Saturday morning, we got up and got our barrings on the city. So, of course, we went for the soldes or shopping. Didn't take long before we were starving and thus of course had to find the traditional food of Lyon called a Bouchon (Lyon is the food capital of France). We had an INCREDIBLE meal of salad, risotto with scallops, and formage and Creme Brulee for Dessert. Unfortunaltely it cost us an incredible 30 Euro per person, per meal. Thus the price to pay for incredible to pay for fine dining. Two hours later, a little more shopping and then we headed up the mountain to see le Notre Dame-de-Fourviere, a beautiful cathedral at the top of a huge hill in Lyon.

From the top, So gorgeous, but FREEZING!
For dinner this night, we met up with several of our French Friends for crepes and a tour of the great city! Our meal consisted of Great food, and a LOT of laughter, including naming each of our French compadres with American names and birthplaces... (ie. Kellie from Miami) After we met some Baby lyons...but that story will have to come another day.
I think our waiter had a crush on my roomie Lisa, cause this is the crepe he made her...
Sunday was Reserved for Museums. We began with the Musee de Tissue, which were a bunch of cool fabrics tapestries and beautiful paintings. It was my fav! We then proceeded to the the typical Buchon for a Lyonese lunch, and then back to the museum hunting, where we went to the Museum of minatures and musee de Beaux Arts. We were all pretty exhausted, and headed home early to rest.
Cool Tapestry!
Monday, We woke up, did some major shop therapy in Lyon, then headed home from a GREAT weekend!
The French students here always tease me and say that I see the world through Rose-colored glasses, and after a great weekend like this I think they might be right. I can be freezing all weekend, walking in ice-cold wind, and LOVE my life!