“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Decision MADE

Well, about a year and a half ago, I heard about a school called the University of South Carolina, and their program called the IMBA, where you get an MBA, but also travel the world, and learn a foreign language (right up my alley). So throughout the following year, I did everything in my power to get there, and almost exactly one year later after learning of the program, I was accepted!

Now I'm officially a Gamecock! This week, I made my first Big Girl Decision and picked my very own, first apartment! It's safe, gated, and most importantly...HAS a POOL! This morning, my parents and I spent about 4 hours deliberating on where I should live, in the end, It came down to just making a decision...because they were all good, so we prayed, and this is where we landed!

Decision made, and now I have two weeks to get ready before it's off to Carolina, and Beyond!!

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