I am reading the book "Eat, Pray, Love" right now, and according to that book, I think that past 3 weeks, I've been experiencing what's called Monkey Brain.
Monkey Brain is where you brain is constantly moving so fast, swinging from one branch of thought to another, that slowing down is almost impossible. So Blogging, calling home, and staying quiet have been a challenge. It's when I remember that I'm in a new place without my loved ones and friends.
Anyways, Here's a recap, I'm gonna feed my monkey brain a banana so It'll stay still long enough to fill you in.
But First, some Highlights to spark your interest in reading my blog.
Yes I wore a Team Edward Shirt to go see Twilight

The Gamecocks Won the College World Series, and this is the Celebration party I went to--20,000 people there!

I'm Officially a GAMECOCK, and My new school colors are Garnet and White, get it right

The first week I arrived, I spent the time with my parents, getting my apartment ready.
Mom and Dad left that Saturday after we had arrived on Tuesday, and to say the least, I was a little devastated, but I sorta of just jumped in feet first, not knowing exactly where I would land.
Luckily, I landed on my feet. which is amazing, because I just of easily landed right on my head. But God brought someone into my life that well, was just a blessing. There's a girl who goes to ACU named Ashley Close, who's father is a preacher at a Church of Christ in Lexington, which is about 35 minutes from my house.
Ashley was a freshman this past year, but I met her a couple times through rushing and because her dad had my Dad as a teacher in College. Anyways,
Saturday night, she asked me to hang out. She to me to the best pizza place ever called the Mello Mushroom in an area of Columbia called the Vista. Then we just walked around the capital building area, as she gave me a mini-tour, and as we talked about our ACU connections, and just a lot of other things we had in common.
Yes they still have a Confederate Flag hanging in front of the Capital
It's amazing the difference just one person can have in your life. I went to the church in Lexington the next day, Father's day, and Ashley had to go to work, but her family kindly invited me to lunch, where I met her younger sister and older brother. Monday I layed around quite a bit, but then that night, went to a college group Bible study, where we had a GREAT lesson, and I met a lot of really great people. I can't really remember much about tuesday except laying around watching a lot of grey's anatomy, and feeling a little sorry for myself...It was to be expected a little, but by Wednesday, some of the college kids invited me to the lake for the day.
There is a very wealth family at Lexington church that offers up their house, food (every starving college kids dream) and possessions for the use of the church and college kids. They have a BEAUTIFUL 12,000 sq ft. house on Lake Murray
Kellis House Backyard

After Wednesday, I began to get things ready for Orientation which began the next Monday, and hung out with my new friends, including lunches, movies and more. Sunday, I accidentally slept through my alarm...I know, I know. Not off to a great start, but I woke up and headed straight out to Lexington to witness the baptism of one of my new friends, who is now very dear to me.
LP being Baptized by Keke

From here on out my world has been a little Crazier. I started Orientation the next day, with a HUGE set of Serves, but also a lot of excitement...so much that I only slept for about an hour the night before.
My First Day of Grad School Suit (terrible pic, but AWESOME Suit)!

Orientation week was a mad whirlwind, where I learned everything from the GameCock Alma Matter song, to my Birkman Profile, which say, I am a Green...But I think I already knew that...
4th of July Weekend!
For the 4th of July this year (my first one back in the country in 3 years) I went to visit My cousin Holly, and her husband Ken and their two children Chipper and Bridget. We had an absolute blast! We watched good movies like "Percy Jackson" and "Arsenic and old Lace." We went to a picnic, watched Beautiful fireworks from the local golfcourse in Peachtree city, went to the lake for some SERIOUS skiing! and just spent time together. Seeing and reacuainting myself with this part of my family, really was a GREAT blessing!
This is my patriotic tatoo, which consequently left an Eagle-shaped sunburn outline on my arm, I guess that's what i get for leaving the country during everyon other 4th of July.

Monday night, I returned from Atlanta in time to go to another baptism of one of my new friends named Ryan!
Ryan and I at the movies with the rest of the group before he was baptized!
Tuesday I started the IMBA program at the Moore school of business, and I love everything about it. School is already very challenging, but I know this it will yield wonderful returns for all the hard work.
Just so ya know...
Calling home is hard, because I know that when I talk, I sound sad. And well, i hate to be "that" girl. But hearing the voices of people I love, makes me remember why I am so blessed. More than that though, it serves as a reminder that I am here for a purpose. Not quite sure what it is yet, but the purpose will come. Prayers are welcomed for that!
Right now, I feel like I went to sleep as a child three weeks ago, and I have suddenly woken up as a responsible woman. It weird. I have a routine, every night I set the coffee make, lay out vitamins, breakfast, and my clothes for the next day. I pack a lunch and wipe down my counters and floors before going to sleep. Routine makes like make a little more sense, plus it's good thinking time.
This is how I compensate for Loneliness, and when I have a little "too" much structure in my life
I love you all, and miss you more than words can describe! I'll update soon!
Jenny, thanks for catching us up a little. We miss you being close enough to come "home to Granbury" for the week-end. We look forward to the next time we see you, but until then, we will continue to pray for your success & for happiness in your new endeavor! The Donahoo family loves you!!
ReplyDeleteHi Jenn. This is an awesome blog post. I'm excited for you, but also grateful that you have structured your faith, life, and routine in a way that is so helpful. You look great in our new suit. All the pictures are really stunning. We'll talk more online. How about a Skype time Saturday? Love, Dad (in Oxford)