“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Rugby or Die

Notre Equipe and our coach!
So tonight, I played Rugby for the first time ever. I had never even watched a game in my life, but Julia, Lisa, Cheney and I all decided to go for a little exercise, in what we thought was a small pickup game of rugby...little did we know...we ended up at the Tryouts for L'Ecole team (our school team) it was really really fun, but well worth it...and we all passed the test, so I guess I'll have rugby match updates coming your way soon, as soon as I learn the rest of the rules! I do however, understand exactly why so many girls attend rugby matches to watch.


Ciao for now!

J l'blondie


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